August 15


Decoding Medical Reports Using ChatGPT

By Christopher G Mendla

August 15, 2023

AI, ChatGpt

Last Updated on August 15, 2023 by Christopher G Mendla

Are you struggling to understand complex medical reports? Learn how ChatGPT can simplify and explain complex concepts for better patient comprehension.

Using ChatGPT to interpret medical reports
Using ChatGPT to interpret medical reports


Navigating medical reports can be an intimidating challenge for anyone, especially if they contain complex jargon and technical terms. Deciphering one about Atrial Fibrillation (Afib), for instance, can be especially daunting. However, technology can make this easier than ever. We will explore how ChatGPT simplifies medical reports using an example from Afib diagnosis. The simplification makes it simpler for both patients and families alike to access important health information.

Example Complex Medical Report: Atrial Fibrillation (AFib).

Understanding a Doctor’s Perspective When compiling medical reports, doctors put great effort and precision into writing them. They often using technical language which may appear foreign to most readers. Let’s take a look at how a physician might describe atrial fibrillation:

Original Medical Report (OMR).
Diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)
Our patient has been confirmed as suffering from atrial fibrillation, characterized by irregular and rapid heartbeats originating in the atria, leading to ineffective atrial contractions. Electrocardiographic (ECG) data demonstrates an absence of P waves as well as fibrillatory waves, verifying this diagnosis; echocardiography also showed mild left atrial enlargement with decreased ejection fraction of 45% confirming their condition.

A treatment plan will include prescribing oral anticoagulants to lower risk of thromboembolic events and rate control with beta-blockers to achieve effective rate management. Follow-up appointments will also be set up in order to evaluate its efficacy.

If you are not satisfied with the interpretation, try the regenerate button. That will redo the interpretation and might clear things up.

Simplifying with ChatGPT Its Breaking Down the Language Barrier

Medical jargon doesn’t need to be an insurmountable barrier – ChatGPT’s translation features make complex medical language easier for patients and their loved ones to comprehend, making critical information readily accessible and understandable.

ChatGPT Offers Simplified Explanations of the medical report

Diagnosis: Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)
Our patient has atrial fibrillation (Afib), which means their heartbeats are irregular and fast due to a problem in the upper heart chambers. This makes the heart’s contractions less effective. Tests showed no P waves on the heart’s electrical activity graph, and there are wavy patterns instead, confirming Afib. Ultrasound also found that the left upper heart chamber is a bit bigger and the heart’s pumping is weaker at 45%.

In order to help, patients will take medications designed to prevent blood clots and reduce stroke risks. , as well as those to help manage heart rates. They’ll also receive another medicine that controls them both regularly. Their doctor will monitor progress regularly.

WARNING – You are exposing personal health information

Be aware that if you use an AI application such as ChatGPT to interpret health reports there is a good chance that that information may be available to other parties. When I used it, the benefits outweighed the risks.

The importance of professional Interpretation

Although ChatGPT may provide simplified explanations, it should always be treated as a supplement to professional medical advice from healthcare providers in terms of diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Remember that it is an AI generated interpretation. Be sure to ask your practitioners if you have any questions


Making sense of medical reports doesn’t need to be like deciphering an enigma. With technology like ChatGPT, patients and their loved ones can gain clearer insights into their health conditions. Though ChatGPT provides useful simplification tools, always seek medical advice from an accredited healthcare professional for the most accurate advice on bettering health. Equip yourself with knowledge but depend on them as guides along your journey to improved wellbeing.

If you or a loved one is receiving medical treatment, ChatGPT can be extremely useful.

Christopher G Mendla

About the author

A web developer living in Southampton, PA

Self motivated critical thinker and problem solver providing technology consulting services.

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