Last Updated on October 3, 2019 by Christopher G Mendla
This is a bit creepy – You can analyze someone’s twitter feed (or your own) with one simple tool
Simply go to and enter the twitter handle you want to analyze. You will get a detailed analysis of their twitter activity.
The first section will show an overview of the Twitter user’s profile such as when they joined, their location and Bio information. Let’s use the creator of Dilbert, Scot Adams at @scotadamssays as an example.
We can see that Mr. Adams is a verified Twitter user. Note how he is using the Bio for a bit of advertising.


The next section gives some statistics. The key to success with Twitter is to have a good number of followers. The number of tweets he has helps generate followers. He has almost 300 followers for every person he is following. A higher ratio indicates more ‘goodness’ in that you have ‘real’ followers, not just people who reciprocate.
Followers will be more likely to see your tweets. However, you aren’t limited to just your followers in that your tweets will be seen due to your hashtags and content.
The topics section provides a word cloud of the topics that the user is posting about.
PRO TIP – If you are job searching, pay attention to this. An employer may look at it. It wouldn’t do if you are trying to obtain a job that requires trust such as a security engineer for a bank and the most prominent topics are related to sex, drinking and drugs.

The Hashtags section will show which hashtags you are using. This tool only looks at the last 100 tweets or so. Again, if you are job searching, take a look at what is showing up here for your handle. You might want to tweet using hashtags related to the position you are seeking.


This section will show who you are @mentioning. If you scroll over an avatar, you can see how many times you mentioned that person or organization.
Attitude and tweeting time

The last two sections show how often you use happy or sad emoticons and the hours that you post.
SUMMARY – Tools such as is are useful for analyzing your own Twitter presence or a Twitter account belonging to someone else.